släkten Alfsvåg-Jonsson-Sehlberg

Peter Herbert Lowe

Man 1926 - 1996  (70 år)

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  • Namn Peter Herbert Lowe 
    Födelse 1 Jun 1926  Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Kön Man 
    Död 6 Jun 1996  Brisbane, Australia Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Person-ID I3876  Alfsvåg-Sehlberg
    Senast ändrad 4 Feb 2018 

    Far Rudolph Olous Lowe,   f. 4 Jul 1886, Fort Ransom, North Dakota, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 30 Apr 1965, Edmonton, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 78 år) 
    Mor Ida Alice Eritsland,   f. 18 Jan 1903, Nassau, Minnesota, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 25 Okt 1966, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 63 år) 
    Vigsel 30 Jun 1923  Leslieville, AB, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    • Marriage certificate dated June 30, 1923, record # 23-08-401748. Witnesses Aron Eggen of Blackfalds, and Agnes Eritsland of Leslieville. Parents of bride Lars Peterson Eritsland, Anna Marie Hansen. Groom's mother listes as Gertr ude Gjesme. Certificate # 61508. (Don Lowe, email April 2002)
    Familjens ID F1084  Familjeöversikt  |  Familjediagram

    Familj Lisbeth Pyman Binns 
     1. Jeanne Louise Lowe
    Familjens ID F1105  Familjeöversikt  |  Familjediagram
    Senast ändrad 13 Okt 2024 

  • Händelse-karta
    Länk till Google MapsFödelse - 1 Jun 1926 - Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada Länk till Google Earth
    Länk till Google MapsDöd - 6 Jun 1996 - Brisbane, Australia Länk till Google Earth
     = Länk till Google Earth 

  • Noteringar 
    • email from Betty (Lowe) Wulff, Jan 2002: "Peter was a surveyor for a Pasadena based oil exploration company for many, many years and accepted many foreign postings, generally for two or more years: here, there, everywhere. He wa s in almost every country which starts and ends with the letter 'A.' His work involved mapping for the oil crews who followed and drilled for oil. He liked it in Australia--the weather seemed to suit his health--he had lung prob lems since he was about 16 years old/had half of one lung removed then.
      He went to an auction of an acreage outside of Brisbane. It had a big house and a smaller one behind 'for the servants'-- and his bid was accepted. So he became a land owner, and eventually started up his own drilling company. I understand he contracted to drill core samples for the Australian government and anyone willing to pay for this. I heard that he received a citation from the government. He married a fast movin' pretty lady named Liz Pyman and brought her home [to Canada] once. The marriage lasted less than five years.
      Anyway, Peter got to like it in Australia so much, he stayed for 20 some years, eventually dying there. He came home several times, especially after he sold his business and retired--sometimes staying for six or seven months. He always bawled us all out for not visiting each other more. He just drove from one place to another, and again and again, because he had been starving for family. He just could not figure out how we could go for a week withoutc alling or visiting each other. Absence makes the heart grow fonder ! Often when Mom and Pop were alive, and us "Lowe Kids" got together, Mom would lament--"If only Peter were here too!" because we missed him on his long jaunts a way from the family. Finally, before one of his visits home, Don went and painted big black letters on our old yellow garage---"AND PETER TOO!" It is still there for us all to remember how much we gathered together when Peter ca me home. He (and Don too) always made us realize that it was IMPORTANT to stay connected."