släkten Alfsvåg-Jonsson-Sehlberg

Gordon Andrew Lowe

Man 1924 - 1940  (16 år)

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  • Namn Gordon Andrew Lowe 
    Födelse 30 Apr 1924  Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Kön Man 
    Död Sep 1940  Lacombe, Alberta, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Person-ID I3874  Alfsvåg-Sehlberg
    Senast ändrad 4 Feb 2018 

    Far Rudolph Olous Lowe,   f. 4 Jul 1886, Fort Ransom, North Dakota, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 30 Apr 1965, Edmonton, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 78 år) 
    Mor Ida Alice Eritsland,   f. 18 Jan 1903, Nassau, Minnesota, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 25 Okt 1966, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 63 år) 
    Vigsel 30 Jun 1923  Leslieville, AB, Canada Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    • Marriage certificate dated June 30, 1923, record # 23-08-401748. Witnesses Aron Eggen of Blackfalds, and Agnes Eritsland of Leslieville. Parents of bride Lars Peterson Eritsland, Anna Marie Hansen. Groom's mother listes as Gertr ude Gjesme. Certificate # 61508. (Don Lowe, email April 2002)
    Familjens ID F1084  Familjeöversikt  |  Familjediagram

  • Händelse-karta
    Länk till Google MapsFödelse - 30 Apr 1924 - Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada Länk till Google Earth
     = Länk till Google Earth 

  • Noteringar 
    • died age 16. Betty Lowe Wulff (sister) writes, "Gordon died of a burst appendix in the Lacombe hospital, during harvest time. He stayed home from helping thresh grain at an uncle's (Papa's brother.) because he had a 'stomach ach e.' He thought it would go away so he rode to school with the rest of us in the horse and cart. He kept singing, 'My stomach hurts, my stomach hurts,' all the way to school in time to Dolly's trotting hoofs. We got there early, so played a round of softball, but he lay down in the early sunshine on the grass near the ball diamond and went to sleep. When roll was called someone said, 'Gornie is here, but he is asleep on the grass out by the ball diamond , because he has a stomach ache.'
      Teacher said, 'Well, go wake him and tell him he can go home on his bike.' Someone did, and he did, and he lolled around home, eventually going upstairs to bed with his stomach ache. When Papa came home, Mom said, 'We better tak e him to the hospital in Lacombe.' Later she told us that part way there he suddenly said, 'Ohhhh ! It just quit hurting! Let's go home!' But they continued until he was eventually examined by the doctor and put to bed. The doct or had misgivings, and 'Gornie' soon began to feel awfully cold. Mom said she put extra blankets around his feet and rubbed his legs, but he just faded away and died. We were all devastated and it was pure awful around our place for weeks!"